Four Ways to Practice by Yourself

Four Ways to Practice by Yourself

Sometimes you simply don’t have anybody to practice with. However, a lot can be accomplished if you take the time to practice by yourself and we believe that practicing by yourself is underused and underestimated. Practicing by yourself can be done in many ways, which...
How To Win Matches Under Pressure (Part 2)

How To Win Matches Under Pressure (Part 2)

Today we have two more very simple and effective mental game tips for you. Every tennis player gets nervous from time to time and you need to have some effective strategies to deal with that situation on the court. If you tend to get too tight in your arm under...
How To Win Matches Under Pressure (Part 1)

How To Win Matches Under Pressure (Part 1)

When you step on the court to play a tournament or practice match, do you experience a lot of pressure? Maybe you feel tentative during points and hope that your opponent makes an error, instead of going for your shots. If you play better in practice than in match...
How To Be More Confident Like Roger

How To Be More Confident Like Roger

Roger Federer just won the 2015 Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships with an impressive 6:3 7:5 victory over world number 1 Novak Djokovic. Throughout this match he played exciting aggressive Tennis. He hit phenomenal topspin backhands and very aggressive forehands,...
Win More With One Statistic

Win More With One Statistic

Detailed statistics can tell you almost the entire story about a tennis match. However they are very underused in tennis instruction. Tennis generally requires lots of focused practice to become a great player but sometimes very simply ideas can get you to win more...

Improve Your Serve With These Free Tips

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